If You Want To Be A Sought After Guest On The Biggest Of The Big Shows, This Teleseminar Is For You As You Will Discover What Makes A Guest Amazing On The Air.
DAVID RUBEN IS A HEAVY HITTER PRODUCER: David Ruben is the Senior Executive of Programming for Talk Radio Network that has syndicated well known and successful radio personalities and shows including Laura Ingraham, Jerry Doyle, Rusty Humphries, Monica Crowley, Tammy Bruce, Michael Savage and more.
David Ruben developed 4 of the top 10 radio host in US Syndication. During this call, David will reveal the secrets to creating an internet radio show, AM, FM or Satellite Radio Show, or Podcast Series that captures the attention of the world and propels you to all new levels of notoriety and success.
- How an internet show radio host gets discovered by the networks
- What the steps are to making it big as a radio show host
- How to book the perfect guests that make your show sizzle
- How to avoid the low energy, lackluster guests that want to get booked
- How authors and experts break into these big time, heavy hitter radio shows
- What the general pet peeves of mega producers and major hosts are
- How producers and hosts spot an amateur guest that does not have the skill set to be a fabulous guest that drives the show forward
- Do the press materials give it away?