Thursday, August 23, 2018

10x Your Bookings With Powerfully Engaging Video and Deal Closing Website Branding

Most speakers are missing the key elements of what it takes to pre-qualify clients, engage them along the process and to get the deal to tip over the top and close it quickly. They are missing the power of engaging video and how it helps every single time in getting the client to say, 'Yes'! Stand alone, 15 minute fixed video shots are no longer cutting it. Speakers are trying to command five figure engagements with five hundred dollar websites and they don't understand why they are not getting hired. In this teleseminar you will learn how Kenyon Salo consistently closes deals, for some of the best speaking engagements, with video, testimonials and a properly branded website. Join this teleseminar to get the inside quick tips to success and how you can implement for success now!

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