Thursday, December 19, 2013

Make 2014 the Year You Become the Speaker You Are Capable of Becoming (with Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker, Patricia Fripp)

Patricia Fripp discusses how to start your journey to become a great speaker, what daily, weekly, and monthly habits are required, and so much more on this episode of SpeakerMatch Radio that will move you to action now and into 2014.

View upcoming interviews at

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Leveraging Your Speech to Land Coaching Clients

Patrick Snow has leveraged his success as a keynote speaker and published author into a 500+ client coaching business. His clients are from Australia to UK and everywhere in between. Patrick is a long time SpeakerMatch member and teleseminar guest who consistently receives rave reviews for providing useful insider information and practical strategies to building a speaking business.

To view upcoming interviews scheduled on SpeakerMatch Radio visit